Terrine with Saint-Péray La Beylesse Rémy Nodin


In partnership with the local company Lafumat, Rémy Nodin produces this pork terrine in Saint-Péray la Beylesse from the estate.

Ingredients :

-lean and fatty pork from the "Drôme Ardèche" region

-White wine Saint-Péray Coteau de La Beylesse from Rémy Nodin<V/p>

-pork liver from the "Drôme Ardèche" region

-Salt and pepper

Net weight: 180gr


In partnership with the local company Lafumat, Rémy Nodin produces this pork terrine in Saint-Péray la Beylesse from the estate.

Ingredients :

-lean and fatty pork from the "Drôme Ardèche" region

-White wine Saint-Péray Coteau de La Beylesse from Rémy Nodin<V/p>

-pork liver from the "Drôme Ardèche" region

-Salt and pepper

Net weight: 180gr


Data sheet
